Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Remove/Hide the Tabs(contextual tab group on Ribbon)

I want to Remove/Hide Tabs [Page Tab , Edit Tab, etc.]  and Contextual tab groups [List Tools Tab, Editing Tools Tab, etc.]  as marked in Red below using SharePoint Designer 2010.

Using CSS we can do it, Please copy the following code in your SharePoint site master page.

<style type="text/css">
      .ms-cui-tabBody, .ms-cui-tt-s{
            display:none !IMPORTANT;
      .ms-cui-tt, .ms-cui-cg, .ms-cui-cg-lb{
            display:none !IMPORTANT;
      .s4-ribbonrowhidetitle, #s4-ribbonrow{
      height:40px !IMPORTANT;
            display:block !IMPORTANT;    

I hope it will help you.



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