I want to Remove/Hide Tabs [Page Tab , Edit Tab, etc.] and Contextual tab groups [List Tools Tab, Editing Tools Tab, etc.] as marked in Red below using SharePoint Designer 2010.
Using CSS we can do it, Please copy the following code in your SharePoint site master page.
Using CSS we can do it, Please copy the following code in your SharePoint site master page.
<style type="text/css">
.ms-cui-tabBody, .ms-cui-tt-s{
display:none !IMPORTANT;
.ms-cui-tt, .ms-cui-cg, .ms-cui-cg-lb{
display:none !IMPORTANT;
.s4-ribbonrowhidetitle, #s4-ribbonrow{
height:40px !IMPORTANT;
display:block !IMPORTANT;
I hope it will help you.
customize contextual tab group on ribbon